Central Spay Neuter & Wellness Clinic
Low Cost Spay, Neuter & Vaccines
Spay & Neuter - Surgeries are done by appointment only
Prices subject to change without notice:
3-49lbs $120.00
50-89lbs $150.00
90-120lbs $200.00
***We cannot spay females past 120lbs***
3-49lbs $110.00
50-89lbs $140.00
90-120lbs $190.00
***Call for pricing/availability over 120lbs***
Female $95.00
Male $80.00
*All prices include mandatory pain meds Cats- $13 Dogs- $17
Vaccinations - Vaccines are done by appointment only
Vaccines offered:
Rabies $18.00 (pets must be 12+ weeks of age)
Canine Distemper $18.00 (pets must be 8+ weeks of age)
Canine Bordetella $22.00 (pets must be 8+ weeks of age)
Canine Lepto+Lyme $40.00 (pets must be 16+ weeks of age)
Feline Distemper $18.00 (pets must be 9+ weeks of age)
Feline Leukemia $18.00 (pets must be 10+ weeks of age)
(negative combo test required for leukemia vaccine)
Vaccine Packages are Available as well
(save money with one lower price for all your vaccine needs)
Wellness Services - Wellness is done by appointment only
Email for pricing if not listed
Exam $45.00
Add on pet for Exam $25.00
Litter Exam $125.00
Feline Combo Test $38.00 (Test for Feline Leukemia and Feline immunodeficiency virus)
Heartworm Testing $33.00 (pets must be 6+ months of age)
Nail Trim $14.00
Post-Op E-collar $14.00
Cardboard Carriers $10.00
Ear mite Treatment $14.00
Intestinal Deworming $17.00 and up
Microchip without smart tag $28.00
Microchip with smart tag $40.00
Tapeworm Treatment $18.00 and up
Bloodwork is done in-house.
Panels can be done during an Exam Visit or a Spay/Neuter Appointment.
Comprehensive Panel $155
Chem 17+SDMA+Lytes+CBC
Comprehensive screening profile. Ideal for yearly bloodwork and senior patients.
Pre-Operative Panel $95
Chem 10+SDMA+Lytes+CBC
Pre-Operative screening profile. Checks for organ function and blood values.
TT4 Addition $30
Thyroid screening. Measures the amount of the T4 hormone in the blood.
**Can be added in addition to an existing Panel.
Additional Surgical Services
Hernia Repair $70*** (with spay/neuter surgery only)
Unilateral Cryptorchid Male Fee $75***
(with spay/neuter surgery only)
Bilateral Cryptorchid Male Fee $150***
(with spay/neuter surgery only)
cryptorchidism is where one or both testicles are not descended
***All Cryptorchid surgeries and Hernia repairs REQUIRE a cone. If one is not provided at drop off that correctly fits the pet, an additional $14 will be added for us to add on a recovery cone for healing
Pregnancy termination (with spay surgery only)
First and Second Trimester $30
Third Trimester $50
IV and Sub-Q fluid fees may apply
Other fees such as vitamin injections, antibiotics, supportive fluids etc. may apply with complicated surgeries